Social Justice Hmong Studies Funding Opportunities For Undergrads: AY 2023-2024

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Hmong Studies Consortium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are pleased to announce that with the generous support of Ruth Hammond, we intend to provide undergraduate awards in 2022-2023 related to “Social Justice Hmong Studies,” broadly defined. The intention is to support racial justice-oriented Hmong Studies research and activities that connect Southeast Asian Studies and Hmong American Studies through the Hmong Studies Consortium ( Students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison will be prioritized for these awards.

In particular, in 2023 we intend to provide:

  • An unspecified number of research awards of between $500 and $4,500 each will be awarded to support undergraduate Social Justice oriented Hmong Studies research (possibly during the Spring 2023 semester or during the Summer of 2023).
    • Eligibility: Research awards are open to undergraduate students from UW-Madison.
    • Applicants for these awards should submit project proposals no longer than two pages explaining what applicants would propose to do if provided with funding, and particularly how what the applicant would do fits with the idea of social justice. A tentative budget should also be included. Proposals that link projects to directed studies credits are especially encouraged. Applicants may want to discuss their proposals with Dr. Ian Baird ( in advance of submitting, in order to ensure their suitability.
  • Applications should be emailed to no later than January 15, 2023. Awards will be announced no later than January 25, 2023.