Weaving The Paj Ntaub for Future Hmoob Students: A compiled collection of advice

The Paj Ntaub Research Team is a collective of HMoob American student activists and scholars at the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions (CCWT) housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison). The student activists represent the HMoob American Studies Committee who make up a student-led initiative focusing on establishing a HMoob American studies program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

This report intends to share the knowledge and advice of current and former HMoob students who attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With their responses, the Paj Ntaub research team gleaned out advice that these participants wished to pass along to current and future HMoob students. Through many of our interviews, participants shared advice on subjects that they themselves wished they had received during their time at UWMadison. These responses came from 36 current students 31 former students with a total of 71 individuals and encompassed ideas around lack of familiarity with campus, making career decisions, experiences tied specifically to multidimensional identities, and stereotypes associated with attending UW-Madison. Students come to college with different experiences, goals, and expectations and this may lead to contradicting advice. In this memo, we understand and want to shed light on these experiences by giving the space for each and every type of advice.

Read the full report here.